Quebec Skilled Worker Program:

Navigating the Quebec Skilled Worker Program: A Comprehensive Guide

Visa Consultant X
3 min readNov 29, 2023
Quebec Skilled Worker

The Quebec Skilled Worker Program (QSWP) is a provincial immigration program designed to attract skilled workers to Quebec, Canada. The program is administered by the Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Intégration (MIFI), the Quebec government ministry responsible for immigration. The QSWP is one of the most popular immigration programs in Canada, and it is a viable option for skilled workers from around the world who are looking to immigrate to Quebec.

The cost of traveling to Canada to attend a biometrics appointment.

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Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the QSWP, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Have a valid job offer from a Quebec employer: The job offer must be for a full-time, permanent position that meets the minimum wage requirements of the province.
  • Meet the training and experience requirements: Applicants must have a minimum of two years of relevant work experience in the past five years. They must also have a diploma of vocational studies (DV), an attestation of vocational specialization (AVS), or a university degree from Canada or an equivalent foreign institution.
  • Meet the language proficiency requirements: Applicants must have a minimum level of proficiency in French, the official language of Quebec. The required level of proficiency varies depending on the occupation.
  • Demonstrate financial means: Applicants must show that they have sufficient financial means to support themselves and their family upon arrival in Quebec.
  • Admissibility to Canada: Applicants must not be inadmissible to Canada on health, security, or criminal grounds.

Application Process

The application process for the QSWP involves several steps:

  1. Create an online account: Create an online account with the MIFI. You will use this account to submit your application and track its progress.
  2. Complete the application form: Fill out the online application form for the QSWP, providing accurate and complete information.
  3. Gather supporting documents: Collect the necessary supporting documents, such as your passport, educational transcripts, proof of work experience, and language proficiency test results.
  4. Pay application fees: Submit the applicable application fees and any additional fees associated with your category.
  5. Biometrics enrollment: Attend a biometrics enrollment appointment to provide fingerprints and a photograph. You can find a list of biometrics enrollment centers on the MIFI website.
  6. Application Processing: The MIFI processes the application and conducts background checks.
  7. Decision Notification: Receive a decision on the application, either an approval or a request for further information.

Duration of Selection Certificate

Duration of Selection Certificate

If you are selected under the QSWP, you will receive a Selection Certificate (CSQ) from the MIFI. The CSQ is valid for a period of 18 months.

Benefits of the QSWP

Benefits of the QSWP

The Quebec Skilled Worker Program offers several advantages to skilled workers, including:

  • Targeted Selection: Focuses on selecting individuals who can contribute to the specific economic needs of Quebec.
  • Streamlined Process: Provides a streamlined application process compared to other immigration pathways.
  • Settlement Assistance: Offers settlement assistance services to help newcomers integrate into their new communities.
  • Path to Permanent Residency: Serves as a pathway to obtaining permanent residency in Canada.

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The Quebec Skilled Worker Program stands as an attractive option for skilled workers seeking to immigrate to Canada and establish a successful future in Quebec. By carefully evaluating eligibility criteria, following the application process, and understanding the conditions of the program, individuals can effectively utilize this pathway to contribute to the economic growth of Quebec and achieve their Canadian immigration goals.

